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An Introduction to SciPy and Pandas

by Ian Cordasco on 15 Feb 2014

At this month’s meetup Oran Looney gave an hour long presentation about IPython, SciPy, and Pandas. After the meeting, One of the member’s new to the group, Bill Blondeau, sent me an email with feedback. With his permission, I’m posting a slightly edited group of excerpts from their email

TL;DR The Python scientific libraries are very powerful and easy to use. I expect we will be using this stuff more and more as we go forward. Python appears to be gaining ground as the go-to scientific computing solution.

The presenter, Oran Looney, is a Data Scientist with an academic background in physics modeling and visualization. He knows the problem domain professionally. The talk included wry allusions to the pain of dealing with weird heterogeneous data indicating he has first hand practical experience.

Overall it was a good talk for an audience that understands Python but is not familiar with the scientific side. The technologies are very mature and the scientific Python ecosystem is vigorous, as lucidly described in Tal Yakoni’s article.

The talk highlighted the following items:

Thanks to Oran for a great presentation and Bill for this great set of notes!