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Announcing MadPUG's Code of Conduct

by Ian Cordasco on 16 Nov 2013

Most local meet-ups never expect the need to have a Code of Conduct for their attendees and most do not. In fact, MadPUG has never had an incident occur that would indicate this is necessary which would make most beg the question “Why?”.

The short answer is that a friend of mine was harrassed at a local meet-up approximately a month ago. Between that and the excellence of the PyCon Code of Conduct, the decision was simple.

I personally believe everyone should feel comfortable when attending a MadPUG meet-up and should feel comfortable knowing there is a system in place in the event that something does happen at a meet-up. As such, I have forked the PyCon Code of Conduct and edited it appropriately. A link to the code of conduct will always be in the header of this site and linked to in the MeetUp group.

If you want to contribute to the Code of Conduct to add something specific to MadPUG, you can do so here. If instead, you would like to make a change to the original, you can contribute here. I will occasionally pull in new changes to the PyCon Code of Conduct, so making changes there will trickle down into MadPUG’s.